What is a Dental Exam & Cleaning ?
A regular teeth cleaning every 6-months along with an oral exam is essential for protecting your mouth. Seeing the team at Dobbs Dental & Cosmetics regularly ensures that you can prevent common dental health issues like tooth decay and gum disease in Dobbs Ferry. Our dental team will also be able to remove plaque and surface stains from your smile, and ensure that your teeth are healthy and beautiful.
Seeing Dr. Tamar Hoff-Nir every six months is important for maintaining your oral health. Routine teeth cleanings and oral exams ensure that you are not suffering from any hidden dental diseases like cavities. But you have a role to play in preventing dental disease, too. Your own oral hygiene and lifestyle habits are the biggest factors when it comes to developing oral health issues like cavities, tooth infections, and gum disease.
If you want to keep your mouth healthy, it’s important to maintain good oral hygiene at home. Make sure you brush at least twice a day for two minutes using fluoride toothpaste, and floss once a day to remove any debris that can’t be eliminated with brushing alone. Adding antiseptic mouthwash to your routine can also help keep your mouth healthy.
In addition to this, consider changing your diet and lifestyle. For example, eliminating sugary soda and other drinks from your diet, reducing snacking, and eating a healthy overall diet can dramatically reduce your risk of cavities and gum disease.
Other steps to take include reducing or eliminating alcohol intake, and quitting smoking, vaping, or the use of any kind of oral tobacco. Heavy drinking and tobacco use both can negatively affect your oral health and raise your risk of dental disease, too.
If you want more information about how to keep your mouth healthy, Dr. Hoff-Nir can help. After your appointment at Dobbs Dental & Cosmetics, she can discuss your oral health, your lifestyle, and changes that you can make to prevent dental disease.