What is an X-Ray and why does the Dentist need them?
So Why Are Dental X-Rays Important?
X-rays, also known as radiographs, allow your dentist to see between and inside your teeth. Dental X-rays are important because they give your dentist the whole picture. They help dentists see the condition of your teeth and also the roots, jaw placement, and facial bone composition. They will help your dentist find and treat dental problems before they become too serious or advanced.
What Do Dental X-Rays show?
Small areas of decay between teeth
Decay beneath fillings
Cysts and other types of tumors
Bone loss in the jaw due to periodontal disease
The position of teeth to determine what kind of tooth implant, braces, or dentures are required
How Often Are X-Rays Needed?
Everyone’s oral health varies. Some people who have recently been diagnosed with gum or dental disease might need X-rays every six months, while others who don’t have ongoing dental treatment may need to get an X-ray only once every couple of years. If you’re a new patient and haven’t gotten an X-ray done recently, your new dentist may recommend a panoramic X-ray to assess the state of your oral health.